Submission guidelines:

In Passage welcomes original (never published) contributions in French and English on the wide subject of writing and mobility. It publishes articles in the fields of literature, civilization, linguistics, and translation.

Articles should be between 5000 and 10000 words and follow MLA sheet.

Articles should be one-and-a-half-spaced and use 12-point Times New Roman font.

In-text parenthetical references, rather than footnotes or endnotes, should be used. A list of works cited should be inserted at the end of every article.

Explanatory notes should be kept to a minimum. Endnotes, rather than footnotes, should be used.

Additional requirements :

Use only one space after periods and other punctuation marks.

Place endnote superscript numbers immediately after punctuation marks, with no space between the period/comma and the number.

Italicize (rather than underline) monograph and journal titles as well as foreign words and expressions.

Use double inverted commas (" ") whenever placing text in "quotation marks". Use single quotation marks (only when needed) inside double ones, as in following example : He asked me : "Can you explain the quotation 'Cogito ergo sum'" ?

Use the title "Works Cited", instead of "Bibliography", to introduce the list of works you have cited in your article.

In the Works Cited section, write the authors' names in full ; do not use initials.

Insert the ready to click URL adresses for all electronic sources. Insert the date of access as well.

Examples of Works Cited :

Bakhtin, Mikhailovich. Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics. 1929. Ed. and trans.
      Caryl Emerson. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 1984.
---. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Trans. Carl Emerson and Michael Holquist.
     Austin : University of Texas Press, 1981.
Bouvet, Rachel. "Du Parcours nomade à l'errance : une figure de l'entre-deux". Nomades,
     voyageurs, explorateurs, déambulateurs,
ed. Rachel Bouvet, André Carpentier, and
     Daniel Chartier. Paris : L'Harmattan, 2006. 35-50.

Crowder, Michael. "Indirect Rule : French and British Style". Africa: Journal of the
     International African Institute
34.3 (July 1964): 197-205.
Keddache, Mahfoud. "L'Utilisation du fait berbère comme facteur politique dans l'Algérie
     coloniale". http : // 27 août 2008. 11March
Lazreg, Marnia. The Eloquence of Silence, Algerian Women in Question. New York :
     Routledge, 1994.

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Update : November